Ep 53 CSE and the Insta-Pots of Mayhem

Stephanie and Craig are joined by Leah West in the latest installment of INTRPID C-59 “storytime”. In this episode, Bob from Mordor (the star from Ep 47) is back with another devious plot. That plot implicates CSE’s foreign intelligence mandate. It spirals to a situation in which CSE might wish to use its proposed “active cyber” mandate. And then the Canadian Armed forces join the Gondor Defence Forces, and with CSE’s assistance, take on Mordor. Can they? The purpose of this podcast is to walk though CSE’s powers, pre C-59 and post C-59 and surface the policy and legal dilemmas being addressed — and ask questions about checks and balances. And now you can debate the fate of Middle Earth and whether CSE should save it with your family over turkey this Thanksgiving weekend.

Craig Forcese